Sunday, May 24, 2009

SU Plugin "CutList 4.0.7"

Cutlist 4.0.7 Plugin
(Joinery Cuting List and Layout)

If you're a fan of Sketchup for creating woodworking models, then the next obvious step is to use Sketchup to help you create cutlists and layouts. Sketchup plugin Cutlist 4.0 does just that. CutList 4.0 sketchup plugin helps you determine how much of each material you need to produce your design, taking into account nominal sized lumber with allowances for finishing to final size. Then it goes one further and lays out all of the pieces on boards or sheet good sizes of your hoosing. Then you should be all set to head for the lumber yard to get all of the materials that you will need with no return trips.

The latest version is v4.0.7 released 21 April 2009.
For a forum discussion on this version on go here.

"For the full article you can follow this link on Steve's website here. This is a very popular plugin which Steve tells me has had around 10,000! ...I might have to grab the free plugin myself. Thanks Steve".

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